EPUB Working Group Charter

Table of Contents

Status of this document

This charter was approved by the IDPF Board of Directors at the July 8 2015 meeting.


The objective of the EPUB Working Group is to maintain and develop the EPUB standard in accordance with the desires of the IDPF membership stakeholders. The Working Group shall be responsible for

Specific work plans for revision developments shall be approved by the IDPF Board.


This charter is valid from July 8, 2015 and until further notice.


As of July 8, 2015, the leadership of the EPUB Working Group consists of the below individuals.

Changes to the leadership shall be approved by the IDPF board, and shall be reflected in this document.

Communication and Participation

Working Group deliverables will be made available to all IDPF Members via the IDPF website and relevant mailing lists. Working Group Chairs will be available to Board for updates on the progress of the Working Group. All IDPF members will be encouraged to participate in the Working Group, subject to ability to meet the time commitments required, and additional Invited Experts may be selected by the Working Group Chairs. As EPUB standardization is of interest to the community-at-large, beyond IDPF Members, the Working Group is encouraged to publicly communicate working documents and draft specifications wherever appropriate.

Intellectual Property and IDPF Corporate Documents

All work in the Working Group will be in compliance with the IDPF membership agreement, intellectual property policy, anti-trust documents, policies and procedures and bylaws of the IDPF. The goal is to maintain the open and patent unencumbered status of EPUB.